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Art is a particular experience. Experience of the diversity of the universe, of its own culture, and mostly of one's innermost self.


Art allows to look for beauty, for perfection. Art allows to discover in a person and in oneself what is most intimate and profound. Therefore, every piece of art hides a mystery.


The artist gives himself in the shapes and in the colours. He reveals what he feels in him and around him, thus it is always a fight with himself. And in this confrontation, he seeks the true essence of his existence. He looks for beauty and harmony. He expresses himself totally. This fight makes him more human, makes him become more "person".

“Thanks to culture, mankind lives a truly human life.”
St. Thomas d'Aquin,
in his commentary of Aristoteles



Born in Paris in 1959, Marie d'Orléans finishes her translation studies in 1981 and works in an international non-gouvernmental organisation for children in Geneva, New-York and Paris from 1983 to 1989. During her travels, she discovers both the african and the american continents. She marries Prince Gundakar of Liechtenstein in 1989. The couple has 5 children and lives in Austria.


In 1999 she feels the need to join the artistic world and takes drawing lessons in Neulengbach with Prof. Franz Drapela from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. In 2003 she attends a painting seminary with the same teacher and studies the technique of oil painting at the Kunstvolkshochschule (Art Adult Center) in Vienna. In 2009 painting seminary in the studio of Michael Fuchs, and 2012 to 2013 with Prof. Maria Savchenko-Terzinsky. 2014 drawing seminary with Michael Fuchs. 2017 portraits drawing and painting with Michal Rutz and 2018 nude studies (drawing, watercolor, pastel) with Viktoria Popova in Vienna.


Princess Marie takes on a commitment to disabled persons, with both a brother (deceased in 2017) and a sister desabled since birth. She supports various associations like «l’association d’aide aux français à l’étranger», and with her exhibitions both «l’Arche» of Jean Vanier and «l’Entraide Montagne» which supports the wounded of the French Alpine Troups and their families, among which is the 7 Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpin of which Princess Marie is the Godmother since 2009.



2018 Grenoble (France)

2017 Ljubljana (Slovenia) for l’Arche (BARKA)

2016 Reims (France)

2016 Vienna for L’ARCHE of Carinthia

2014 Neulengbach and Paris, for the wounded of the 7 BCA

2014 Riegesburg (Lower Austria)

2007 Vienna

2004, 2006, 2009 Neulengbach (Austria)

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